センテラアジアチカエキス T.E.C.A. 供給者 センテラアジアチカエキス T.E.C.A. メーカー センテラアジアチカエキス T.E.C.A. 工場 無料サンプル
TECA is a highly pure mixture of three terpenoids (asiaticoside, madecasic acid and madecasic acid) in Centella asiatica extract, which is produced through extreme purification steps and mixed at a specific concentration.
Centella Asiatica Extract T.E.C.A.Introduction
TECA is a highly pure mixture of three terpenoids (asiaticoside, madecasic acid and madecasic acid) in Centella asiatica extract, which is produced through extreme purification steps and mixed at a specific concentration.
As a high-concentration Centella asiatica extract, TECA also has anti-inflammatory, firming, anti-wrinkle, and promote collagen regeneration effects.
製品名 | センテラアジアチカエキスT.E.C.A. |
CAS番号 | 84696-21-9 |
ラテン語名 | センテラアジアチカL. |
外観 | 白色結晶粉末 |
仕様 | 95% |
パケージ | 1kg/袋、25kg/ドラム |
ストレージ | 防湿し、軽い密閉された保管は避ける。 |
試験方法 | HPLC |
Centella Asiatica Extract T.E.C.A.Application Classification
Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic
TECA can inhibit the inflammatory response induced by LPS, effectively release inflammatory cytokines, induce mast cell activation, and release a variety of allergic mediators, such as cytokines, histamine, etc. Research shows TECA can inactivate macrophages in the skin, thereby reducing skin inflammation and atopy. Therefore, TECA can be used in cosmetics as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic natural ingredient to relieve facial acne, redness, allergies and other symptoms.
Firming and Anti-wrinkle
Centella asiatica TECA can prevent the increase in p53 expression induced by UVA, significantly reduce the oxidative stress induced by UVA irradiation and the increase in MMP-2 expression, prevent UVA-induced photoaging, achieve firming, anti-wrinkle, and delay skin aging.
Ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of skin aging, and using antioxidants is an effective way to prevent skin aging symptoms caused by ultraviolet rays. Zebrafish have oxidative and antioxidant systems similar to humans, and reactive oxygen species in the body can be stained in vivo. Therefore, zebrafish is well suited for testing antioxidant efficacy.
Promote Collagen Regeneration
Centella asiatica TECA can effectively accelerate the production of collagen and promote the vitality of scar fibroblasts, thereby increasing the synthesis and secretion of collagen fibers and matrix components, forming granulation tissue together with new capillaries, filling wound tissue defects, and providing epidermal cells. The coverage creates conditions to help repair damaged skin.
仕様 | 内容 | 特徴 | 機能 | アプリケーション |
総トリテルペン (アジアティコシド+)
マデカッソシド+アジアティコシドB) |
70%-80% | 淡黄色の粉末 | 傷跡の除去、にきび除去、にきび、創傷治癒... | マスク、クリーム、ローション、ジェルなど。 |
アジアティコサイド | 40%-95% | 40%-ライトイエロー
70%-95% 白 |
抗炎症、真皮の再編成、アンチエイジング | フェイシャルマスク、クリーム、ローション、ジェル、脱毛防止ローションなど。 |
マデカッソシド | 50%-95% | 白い粉 | 抗炎症、真皮再構築、ケラチン調整 | マスク、クリーム、ローション、ジェルなど。 |
Madecassic Acid | 80% | 白い粉 | Whitening, firming, dermal restructuring | クリーム、ローション、エッセンス、ジェルなど。 |
アジア酸 | 90% | 白い粉 | 美白、アンチエイジング、引き締め、真皮の再構築 | クリーム、ローション、エッセンス、ジェルなど。 |
T.E.C.A(センテラアジアティカの滴定エキス)Asiaticoside36%-44%、Asiatic Acid+Madecassoside54%-66% | 95% | 白い粉 | 真皮再編成、血液循環、ストレッチマーク、アンチエイジング、皮膚修復 | マスク、クリーム、ローション、エッセンス、ジェルなど。 |
フリー・ジェニン | 85% | 白い粉 | 美白、抗菌、引き締め、真皮の再構築 | クリーム、ローション、エッセンス、ジェルなど |
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