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Centella Asiatica Extract  ingredient, which could be widely used for Anti-bacterial & Anti-fungal, Dermis reconstruction, Keratin regulation, Anti-aging and skin repair in facial masks, Serum, Cream, Gel and water based dosages.

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Centella Asiatica Extract Centella asiatica powder Introduction

Centella Asiatica Extract  ingredient  which could be widely used for Anti-bacterial & Anti-fungal, Dermis reconstruction, Keratin regulation, Anti-aging and skin repair in facial masks, Serum, Cream, Gel and water based dosages.

제품 이름 병풀 추출물
CAS 번호 34540-22-2
라틴어 이름 Centella asiatica L.
모양 화이트 크리스탈 파우더
사양 50%-95%
패키지 1kg/가방, 25kg/드럼
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테스트 방법 HPLC

Centella Asiatica Extract Application Classification

Skin Repair 

Centella asiatica extract is rich in triterpene saponins and flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and wound healing effects. These products are often used to treat skin problems such as burns, wounds, scars and eczema, while also helping to relieve dry and sensitive skin.


The triterpene saponins in Centella asiatica extract are considered to have vaso-activating effects, which can promote blood circulation and enhance the elasticity and stability of capillaries. This type of product is often used to improve leg discomfort caused by varicose veins, congestion and fatigue, and can help relieve muscle soreness and gravity.


 Centella asiatica extract is rich in flavonoids and has antioxidant effects, which can reduce free radical damage to the skin and prevent aging. These products are often used in skin care products to improve skin elasticity, brighten skin tone, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.


Centella asiatica extract has been found to have certain antibacterial and antifungal effects and can be used to treat some common skin infections, such as acne and fungal infections. These products are often used as topical medications or topical skin care products.


The anti-inflammatory effects of Centella asiatica extract give it potential in the treatment of inflammation-related diseases. Some studies suggest it may have some therapeutic benefits for conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis and gingivitis.

Centella Asiatica Extract Specifications and Applications in Cosmetics

사양 Content  특징 Functions Applications
Total Triterpenes (Asiaticoside+

Madecassoside+Asiaticoside B)

70%-80% Light yellow powder Scar removal, acne removal, acne, wound healing… Mask, cream, lotion, lotion, gel, etc.
아시아티코사이드 40%-95% 40%-light yellow

70%-95% white

Anti-inflammation, dermal reorganization, anti-aging Facial masks, creams, lotions, gels, anti-hair loss lotions, etc.
Madecassoside 50%-95% 흰색 분말 Anti-inflammation, dermal restructuring, keratin regulation Mask, cream, lotion, lotion, gel, etc.
Asiatic Acid 90% 흰색 분말 Whitening, anti-aging, firming, dermal restructuring Cream, lotion, essence, gel, etc.
T.E.C.A(titrated Extract of Centella Asiatica)Asiaticoside36%-44%,Asiatic Acid+Madecassoside 54%-66% 95% 흰색 분말 Dermal reorganization, blood circulation, stretch marks, anti-aging, skin repair Mask, cream, lotion, essence, gel, etc.
Free Genins 85% 흰색 분말 Whitening, antibacterial, firming, dermal restructuring cream, lotion, essence, gel, etc.


사양(TDS)의 병풀 추출물

Tests Limits 방법
Identification (TLC) Positive USP40<201>
Madecassoside (HPLC) ≥95% USP40<621>
모양 White Fine Powder 시각적
냄새 및 맛 특징 관능
Water solubility 1g dissolve 30-50ml water Complies
입자 크기 98% 패스 80메시 USP40<786>
≤5.0% USP40<921>
Ash ≤1.0% USP40<281>
중금속 ≤20.0ppm USP40<231>
Lead ≤3.0 ppm USP40<211>
Arsenic ≤1.0 ppm USP40<251>
Cadmium ≤0.3 ppm USP40<232>
Mercury ≤0.1 ppm USP40<261>
Copper ≤5.0ppm USP40<261>
Solvents residue USP40<565> USP40<565>
Pesticides residue USP40<561> USP40<561>
Total Bacteria Count ≤1.000cfu/g USP40<2021>
Yeast and Mold ≤100cfu/g USP40<2021>
대장균 부정적 USP40<2022>
살모넬라 부정적 USP40<2022>

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>>>  우리의 목표는 고객에게 집중하고, 프로세스 전반에 걸쳐 걱정 없는 서비스를 제공하며, 더 나은 성과와 성공을 달성할 수 있도록 돕는 것입니다.

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