금잔화 꽃 추출물 제아잔틴 공급 업체 금잔화 꽃 추출물 제아잔틴 제조업체 금잔화 꽃 추출물 제아잔틴 공장 무료 샘플

Marigold Flower Extract Zeaxanthin  is one of the common carotenoids in nature. It is widely found in human skin, brain and other tissues. Data from the American Nutrition Survey shows that the concentration of zeaxanthin is extremely high in the foveal area of ​​the retina, and is concentrated in the foveal area, so the eye is also the site where zeaxanthin is most abundant.

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Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin Introduction

Marigold Extract (제아잔틴) is the purified fraction obtained from saponification of the oleoresin of Tagetes erecta L also called meso-Zeaxanthin consists chiefly of the 3R,3’S-Isomer of Zeaxanthin. It contains NLT 20.0% of total carotenoids calculated as Zeaxanthin (C40H56O2).

제품 이름 금잔화 꽃 추출물 제아잔틴
CAS 번호 144-68-3
라틴어 이름 태그 에렉타 린
모양 Orange yellow to orange red powder
사양 Zeaxanthin Powder 2%-60%,Zeaxanthin Crystal 70%,Zeaxanthin Oil 10%,20%,Zeaxanthin Beadlets 5% 10%
패키지 1kg/가방, 25kg/드럼
스토리지 습기를 차단하고 빛이 닿지 않는 밀폐된 곳에 보관하세요.
테스트 방법 HPLC

Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin Mainly Specifications

Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin Powder 2%-60% HPLC
Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin Crystal 70% HPLC
Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin Oil 10%,20% HPLC
Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin CWS 5% 10% HPLC
Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin Beadlets 5% 10% HPLC


다음과 같은 이점이 있습니다. Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin

Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin can be used natural pigment for food.
Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin is major active ingredients for retina for eye health.
Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin is a natural carotenoids antioxidant.
Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin can be used as aquaculture additives.


The Effects and Effects of Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin

Zeaxanthin is An Important Component of Macular Pigment in The Eyes

Zeaxanthin (Z) and lutein (L) are isomers and are important carotenoids in the diet. After ingestion by the human body, they are distributed in different tissues and organs, and selectively in the retina of the eye. It is highly deposited in the macular area and together with racemic zeaxanthin (MZ) constitutes the macular pigment in the macular area of ​​the retina. Macular pigment plays an important role in filtering harmful blue light, scavenging free radicals, and interrupting lipid peroxidation, and can reduce the damage to the eyes caused by the above factors. Therefore, one of the functions of zeaxanthin is to maintain the normal and complete structure of macular pigment, which can Maintains healthy visual function and reduces the risk of age-related eye diseases.

Zeaxanthin and lutein Complement Each Other and Absorb Blue Light More Comprehensively

With the popularity of smartphones, the frequency and extent of eye exposure to blue light are increasing. Studies have proven that carotenoids with conjugated polyene chains can absorb visible light, while macular pigments, whose main components are zeaxanthin and lutein, can absorb 40-90% of blue light. The maximum absorption peak of zeaxanthin in ethanol solution is 451nm, and the maximum absorption peak of lutein in ethanol solution is 445nm. It can be seen that the second effect of zeaxanthin is to absorb blue light with longer wavelength, while lutein can absorb longer wavelength. Short blue light, the combination of the two can better absorb blue light.

Able to Better Quench Singlet Oxygen

The third function of zeaxanthin is antioxidant. The molecular structure of zeaxanthin makes it have strong antioxidant activity. By evaluating several carotenoids contained in macular pigment, the researchers found that zeaxanthin is better at quenching singlet oxygen.

Protect Visual Cells and Maintain Normal Visual Functions

Visual health is not only about seeing objects clearly, but also about being able to see various colors clearly. There are cones and rods on the retina. The cones are responsible for photopic vision and color vision. They are mainly distributed in the macular area. There are only cones in the concave center of the macula. When there is a problem with the cones, we may not be able to Recognize colors normally. Research data shows that the concentration of zeaxanthin in the fovea of ​​the macula is 500-1000 times higher than its concentration in plasma. It can be seen that in addition to being one of the components of macular pigment, the effect of zeaxanthin is also reflected in the visual protection of the eyes. .


Specification (TDS) of Marigold Extract Zeaxanthin 

분석 항목 사양 방법
신원 확인
A. UV The absorbance ratio A427/A453 at about 480nm.
B. HPLC 시료의 보존 시간은 HPLC 순도 테스트의 표준과 일치합니다.
활성 성분 테스트
Zeaxanthin (HPLC) ≥20.00% USP43
Carotenoids (UV) ≥20.00% USP40<857>
신체 테스트
모양 Orange Yellow fine powder 시각적
냄새 특징 관능
특징 관능
입자 크기 90% pass 80mesh USP40<786>
≤5.00% USP40<921>
점화 시 잔류물 ≤5.00% USP40<281>
화학 테스트
중금속 ≤10.00ppm USP43
Pb ≤1.00ppm USP43
As로 ≤1.00ppm USP43
Cd ≤1.00ppm USP43
Hg ≤0.10ppm USP43
잔류 용제 USP USP43
잔류 농약 USP USP43
Ethoxyquin 부정적 HPLC-MS/MS
미생물학적 테스트
총 박테리아 수 ≤1,000cfu/g USP43
효모 및 곰팡이 ≤100cfu/g USP43
E. 대장균 1g의 네거티브 USP43
살모넬라 10g의 네거티브 USP43


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