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Methylcobalamin is an endogenous vitamin B12, but it is more easily absorbed by the body than vitamin B12 and has better nerve conductivity. When methylcobalamin enters the human body, it can quickly take effect, speed up the metabolism of folic acid and nucleic acid, and improve the excitability and transmitter levels of nerves. It has a significant effect on the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. In addition, it does not need to be metabolized by the liver and can be decomposed and absorbed directly, so it will not cause toxic side effects on the liver.

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Description of  Mecobalamin

Methylcobalamin, also known as methylvitamin B12, is the active metabolite of vitamin B12 in the body. Methylcobalamin can promote the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in nerve cells, promote the regeneration of nerve myelin sheaths and axons, repair damaged nerve cells, and improve nerve conduction velocity. It is widely used in the treatment of clinical peripheral neuropathy and other diseases.

제품 이름 Methylcobalamin
CAS 번호. 13422-55-4
모양 red powder
사양 Methylcobalamin
패키지 1kg/가방, 25kg/드럼
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테스트 방법 IR

Why Methylcobalamin Can Repair Nerves

Methylcobalamin plays a very important role and significance in repairing cranial nerves.

Methylcobalamin can well promote the utilization of folic acid and the metabolism of nucleic acids, which can promote axonal transport function and promote axonal regeneration.

Delayed synaptic transmission and neurotransmitter reduction can be restored accordingly, thereby achieving the effect of inhibiting neural degeneration.

Therefore, methylcobalamin is a drug that nourishes nerves and is a common drug that can nourish nerves and relieve peripheral neuropathy.

Methylcobalamin can also achieve good auxiliary effects in repairing the central nervous system. Currently, methylcobalamin has been widely used in clinical settings.

When repairing damaged nerve tissue, adenosylcobalamin must first be converted into methylcobalamin so that it can participate in the one-carbon unit cycle as a coenzyme. In this way, it can well promote nucleic acids, proteins and lecithin. related synthesis.


Methylcobalamin not only Repairs Nerves, but May Also Be Effective in These Four Diseases


Infection with the varicella-zoster virus can easily cause shingles. At this time, everyone must choose to take antiviral drugs for treatment.

At the same time, everyone also needs to use nerve-nourishing drugs, such as methylcobalamin.

Methylcobalamin can penetrate well into neuron cell bodies and repair nerves damaged by the herpes zoster virus. It can effectively relieve and reduce neuralgia problems and reduce the incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia. .

Megaloblastic Anemia

It is mainly caused by indirect or direct deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12.

Megaloblastic anemia will easily seriously affect an individual’s health after it occurs. It will not only hinder the synthesis of red blood cells, but also tend to increase the size of red blood cells.

At this time, the megaloblastic red blood cells in the bone marrow will proliferate, which will easily induce anemia. Taking methylcobalamin can promote blood flow, activate hematopoietic factors, and help improve the phenomenon of megaloblastic anemia. .

Facial Muscle Atrophy

Facial muscle atrophy is actually what we often call facial paralysis. Its main symptom is that half of the face cannot complete nerve instructions, and the corners of the mouth always twitch.

In addition to these common symptoms, the symptoms that appear on the body are frequent and regular, and even acute edema is prone to occur.

In addition to taking some drugs or performing acupuncture under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, you can also take methylcobalamin to relieve the central nervous system, help the nerve function to operate well, and help improve the problem of facial muscle atrophy.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy can be said to be a very common chronic complication of diabetes. The disease can affect the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, and it is very common to accumulate peripheral nerves.

Distal sensory neuropathy is a very common disease, accounting for more than 60% of all diabetic neuropathies.

Methylcobalamin has a very good therapeutic effect on diabetic peripheral neur.


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