천연 항염증제 커큐민

최고 강황 has been used by humans for more than 4,000 years. It was used in ancient Indian and Chinese medicine to treat inflammatory diseases and relieve pain, and it is the source of the yellow color in Indian curry. turmeric root 커큐민 tablets has also appeared as a natural pigment in some of the snacks we usually eat.
강황 turmeric and curcumin is a commonly used Chinese medicine, “Chinese Materia Medica” : “bitter taste, simmering; Sex temperature, spleen; The liver Meridian. Breaking blood for qi; Relieving pain through menstruation.” “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” : “For chest and hypochondriac pain, amenorrhea, congest, rheumatism, shoulder and arm pain, swelling pain.” Modern medical research has found that curcumin in turmeric is at work.
커큐민 (Curcumin) turmeric extract capsules is a polyphenol substance extracted from turmeric. It is a potent antioxidant with many health benefits.
Modern pharmacological studies have shown that curcumin also has important economic value and extensive pharmacological effects, such as lowering blood lipids, anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, anti-atherosclerosis and so on. In 2004, best turmeric supplement for inflammation 커큐민 powder was found to inhibit HIV-1 integrase activity and was used in AIDS clinical trials. In addition, anti-cancer is one of the main pharmacological activities of 커큐민, and its anti-tumor effect has been repeatedly confirmed in many animal experiments, and its specific anti-cancer mechanism has become a recent research focus.
In recent years, due to the efficacy (benefits) of turmeric in clinical trials, the medical community has aroused great interest and attention, so that scholars have discussed warmly in recent years, and more than 500 academic research papers on turmeric have been published every year from 2017 to 2020. The effects that scholars have discussed more mainly focus on:
Lower your cholesterol and prevent cancer
Increase the protective force to nourish the body and maintain good spirits during the day
Boost metabolism and help cope with stressful lives
Maintenance of youth, beauty and health
강황 effect
Anti-inflammatory, prevention of cardiovascular disease
Curcumin has antioxidant properties, bioactive compounds, and is quite effective in inhibiting chronic inflammation, aging, or oxidation. Curcumin capsules has a particularly significant anti-inflammatory effect on the vascular endothelium, which can reduce cholesterol production and prevent blood clots.
Anti-depression, prevention of dementia
Studies have shown that curcumin can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Its enhanced effects on the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), coupled with its anti-inflammatory effects, help maintain the health of the brain and brain nerves, and even prevent cognitive decline caused by aging, such as dementia.
Prevent cancer
Another notable benefit of curcumin is the prevention of cancer. Studies have shown that curcumin can inhibit the activation and spread of cancer cells, reduce tumor angiogenesis, especially for the prevention of digestive system cancer effect is most obvious.
Best curcumin Turmeric has a wide range of uses, it will be used for coloring and as a spice in cooking, to increase the color and flavor of dishes, or it can be directly used to cook soup and dishes. Turmeric products are also quite diverse, turmeric powder, turmeric tea, curcumin health food, if you want to make turmeric effective maintenance, it will be recommended to add patented and quantitative natural curcumin products.
Curcumin to eat how much can be effective maintenance and safety?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended intake for adults is 0-3 mg/kg body weight, and the recommended daily amount is not more than 180 mg based on the average adult body weight of 60 kg.
Many curcumin products on the market will require high doses, mainly because curcumin is insoluble in water, and after supplementation, it needs to go through many procedures in the digestive tract to be absorbed, and it will be rapidly metabolized. The effect will not last long, but the side effects of nausea and nausea must be considered when supplemting high doses, so eating curcumin to maintain the body will encounter the problem of low absorption and low bioavailability. In fact, you can choose the patented micro-activated curcumin, because of the special embedding technology, you can supplement the general recommended dose of curcumin, so that it is easy to absorb, high bioavailability, sustained long-term release in the body, stable and no discomfort.
Turmeric powder or turmeric health food can be taken at any time, and curcumin is a fat-soluble nutrient, so the best time to take it is between meals and after meals. Curcumin has anti-anxiety and soothing effects, so it can also be taken after evening to help you sleep.
Eat turmeric, curcumin what contraindications or side effects?
Clinically, a few people have been found to have allergic reactions, nausea and diarrhea to high doses of turmeric, so it is recommended that people who have not used it can first do a small amount of single test, or choose a patented slow-release curcumin to reduce discomfort. If you are using drugs or need medical treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor first to avoid drug interference. Pregnant and nursing women should also consult their doctor before consuming.
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