스피룰리나 분말을 섭취하는 친구들은 주의하세요.

스피룰리나 is rich in nutrients, balanced and suitable for human needs. Spirulina is rich in protein, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, various trace elements and other nutrients.
More than 20 amino acids
스피룰리나 contains more than 20 amino acids, and the proportion of 8 amino acids necessary for the human body is in harmony.
Unsaturated fatty acid
스피룰리나 is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, the human body must linoleic acid and linolenic acid is very rich, can be converted into DHA(commonly known as fish oil) in the body, eat spirulina do not have to eat fish oil health products.
Essential trace elements for human body
스피룰리나 is rich in a variety of trace elements required by the human body, and there is no need to supplement other trace element products. Calcium is a macroelement and should be supplemented in appropriate amounts.
Rich in various 비타민
스피룰리나 vitamin nutrition is rich, do not need to supplement vitamin products. However, high-quality spirulina in the harvest process, must go through the instant high temperature drying procedure, will cause the loss of vitamin C, so the need to supplement vitamin C.
SOD(peroxide dismutase)
Eat spirulina SOD synthesis in the body to strengthen, no need to supplement SOD health products. In addition, spirulina almost does not contain cellulose, pay attention to eat more high-fiber foods.
Six functions of spirulina
Anti-fatigue: Spirulina contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids and active substances, which can adjust the acid-base balance of the body, promote muscle contraction, replenish energy to the body cells in time, and make people physically energetic and energetic.
Anti-anemia: Spirulina is the highest absorbable iron in all foods, and is the best food for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. At the same time, spirulina vitamin B12 content is also the highest, can be said to correct pernicious anemia “fast shooter”.
Weight loss: Spirulina is a high-protein, low-calorie whole-nutrient food, containing rich and balanced nutrients, which can balance and regulate fat metabolism, prevent fat excess and accumulation, so as to prevent obesity and weight loss.
Prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia and hypertension: Spirulina can regulate lipid metabolism, it contains plant protein and animal protein amino acid composition is different, can improve the consumption of animal protein caused by too much hypercholesterolemia; Gamma-linolenic acid can promote the transformation and excretion of cholesterol, thereby reducing blood lipid; Beta-carotene can inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol, thereby reducing the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall, playing a role in softening blood vessels and preventing arteriosclerosis.
Prevention and treatment of chronic gastrointestinal diseases: Spirulina can regulate acid-base balance and enhance the function of digestive organs such as stomach and intestine. The Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium contained in spirulina can enhance the absorption function of digestive system; It contains 10 times the chlorophyll of ordinary vegetables, known as green blood, has the effect of regulating metabolism, eliminating toxins in the body, helping to purify blood, and has significant effects on ulcer disease.